Our Apps
100% Auditing: Your Project Pro application
will audit absolutely everything, all the time.
Back to the past: Because of
100% auditing, your Project Pro app can instantly
reconstruct the precise state of your entire database as of
any past moment
Concurrency management: Every
Project Pro app automatically detects simultaneous attempts
by multiple users to modify the same data.
Readable error messages: If you
should do something that causes a failure, you get a message
that looks like "Account 'XYZ' cannot be deleted because it
has an associated client 'John Smith'".
Intelligent cascading deletion:
Every Project Pro
application understands exactly
what sorts of deletions should and shouldn't be permitted,
and whether to automatically perform deletions of dependent
children and orphaned parents.
Consistent user interface behavior:
We build consistent user interfaces that don't confuse your
users. Similar operations are done the same way on every screen.
Typical Apps
Afterthought Auditing: If auditing is performed at
all, it's done as an afterthought.
You must be kidding: If an app
supports auditing at all, it is through specialized reports
that statically display the values of selected tables as of
a given time. If the data you need didn't happen to be
audited, too bad.
Concurrency maybe: Concurrency
is usually implemented as an afterthought, and even then
sometimes incorrectly or only partially. Will your app
handle it? Who knows?
Gobbledygook: The typical
application will produce something like, "The DELETE
statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint
"FK_ADDRESS_PersonI_060DEAE8" in table "ADDRESS", column 'PersonID'."
Just lovely
We never delete anything: The
most typical style of deletion is to simply never delete
anything or to use markers on "deleted" records rather than
simply removing them After awhile your database might
contain more garbage than data.
Anything goes: The typical
development shop leaves user interface decisions up to the
discretion of individual developers, who are neither trained
in user interface development nor inclined to place much
value on the subject.