Dear Parent:

Do you want to ...

Then I Can Read! is the place for your child! We use the world’s most effective phonics-based reading curriculum to produce dramatic gains in children’s reading abilities, and we do it at about half the price of most tutoring centers.

Getting a great start
Enroll at the beginning of your child’s kindergarten year, and by first grade he or she will be reading at the top of the class. Kindergarteners who join us in Fall and complete our three-semester beginners’ program generally enter first grade with third- to fifth-grade reading skills. (We also take kindergarteners in the middle of the school year.)

Helping a problem reader
Do you have a first grader who is not reading? Does your older child struggle with books that he or she really needs to read? I Can Read! produces dramatic improvements in the skills of problem readers. Our goal is to achieve one entire year’s worth of progress every semester!

Enriching a skilled reader
I Can Read!
can help keep your child’s reading skills at the cutting edge. Our classes offer intense skills instruction and advanced reading practice that simply isn’t available elsewhere.


How do I know if there's a reading problem?

If your child is six or older and cannot fluently read materials that are suitable for his or her grade level, then specialized reading instruction might be helpful. It is possible that your child is just a late bloomer and will eventually pick things up. However it is also possible that your child needs more instruction and perhaps a different sort of instruction than he or she has received so far. Our reading test page shows you how to test your child using books that are appropriate for children at various grade levels (based on two standard "readability scales" and research on what children actually read).

If your child is not reading at all, we administer a placement test to help determine whether your child is ready to read. If your child reads with difficulty, we administer another test to determine whether our program can help. If our program is not right for your child or if your child is simply not ready to read, our placement test should indicate this and we'll advise you either to wait or to seek some other form of instruction.

How can we help?

Most children who have trouble reading are trying to tackle the entire job in one gulp. When they open a book, they are overwhelmed by an ocean of unfamiliar markings. There are well over 100,000 English word families and well over half a million distinct English words, more than enough to intimidate any child.

A typical first grader already knows and uses over 14,000 spoken words. Most children would be very powerful readers if only they could recognize the thousands of written words that they already know verbally. Imagine your child being able to read everything that he or she can say! I Can Read! teaches young children how to convert written words into the spoken words they already know. We teach our older students the many details that they need to know in order to become fluent. Lessons are carefully arranged into a logical, systematic sequence that anyone, even a small child, can understand.

Our students learn the basic skills that allow them to recognize almost any written word, and we help them practice those skills until they become almost totally automatic. Then we show our students how to assemble written words into meaningful, coherent sentences. We have one final and achievable goal: reading a story should be just as easy as listening to someone else read it!

Is I Can Read! the best answer for you?

There are two things that make I Can Read! a great solution for both you and your child:

  1. We use the world's most thoroughly researched and successful phonics curriculum.

  2. We make it affordable. On a price-per-hour basis, our instruction is about half the cost of the services offered at most learning centers.

Our curriculum for young children is SRA Reading Mastery, a reading program that has been shown successful in more independent scientific research than any other reading program, and which far outstripped the performance of all competing programs that were studied in the world's largest-ever education research project. In this project, Reading Mastery raised the reading scores of entire schools by twenty percentile points on nationally normed reading tests.

Reading Mastery combines two proven teaching strategies supported by decades of research: phonics and direct instruction. Phonics produces dramatic gains in children’s reading ability by giving them the keys to "unlock" written words. Direct instruction is a highly interactive teaching style that motivates children to participate and improves their retention. Because of this unique instructional style, our teachers provide most of the benefits of one-on-one tutoring, even though our students are organized into small groups. We can actually achieve better results with a small group than your child might get with an individual tutor who is using a less effective curriculum. So even at two or three times the price, you might not be able to find a more effective program than I Can Read!

For children in the higher grades we use a related curriculum from SRA called Corrective Reading. This curriculum is written by the same authors and is based on the same principles as Reading Mastery, but it is designed for older children. Corrective Reading moves at a faster pace than Reading Mastery, and it uses language and methods that are appropriate for more mature students.

During each semester we provide 39 hours of instruction, covering one complete unit of our curriculum. Each I Can Read! semester follows one of these formats:

This intensive schedule is necessary to build strong reading skills. Class times may be different in different communities, so please check our Scheduled Classes page for details.

Frequently asked questions

How much does I Can Read! cost?

The total fee is just $695, which includes an initial placement test and all class materials except for optional recommended books. Your child receives a total of 39 hours of instruction, so our tuition is under $18 per hour, which is about half the cost of most tutoring centers. According to our most recent analysis (conducted in August 2001) an equivalent amount of instruction at our closest-priced competitor would cost you $1550 during your first semester and $1365 for each subsequent semester. Click here for our complete price comparison.

Is there a discount for multiple children?

If you have already enrolled one child at the normal price (above) then the fee each additional child in the same family enrolled in the same semester is $595.

Is there a guarantee?

We offer a money-back guarantee. If you've brought your child to at least 90% of the classes and you're not satisfied that your child has made substantial reading progress, just call us and ask for a refund. Complete information will be provided in our parents' guide that your child will receive in class.

Why three or four days per week? Wouldn't a Saturday be better?

Doing this on a Saturday would certainly be more convenient, but unfortunately it wouldn't work. Our curriculum uses continuous reinforcement to help your child retain all the information. Three days per week is actually the minimum that we can do and still expect success. This is why we run the class on three or four weekdays rather than on a weekend.

What if my child has already had remedial reading classes?

Many remedial reading classes do not teach a substantial amount of phonics, and so they may not provide children with the specific skills they need to recognize unfamiliar words. Since poor word recognition is the root of most children's reading problems, your child may never have received the type of training that he or she needs. Even if your child has had some phonics instruction, there are very few classes that offer as much phonics or that deliver it with the effectiveness of I Can Read!

What if my child has been classified LD (learning disorder) or BD (behavior disorder)?

I Can Read! is designed primarily for mainstream students, but it can also help some children who are classified as mildly LD or BD, including children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD). Our curriculum has built-in classroom management techniques that virtually eliminate classroom behavior problems because the children are so thoroughly engaged in the interactive teaching experience. The curriculum is also well known for its ability to teach children who were originally thought to have learning disabilities but who actually just needed more instruction in word decoding strategies. However, our program is not designed to help children who have severe ("low incidence") disorders that inhibit learning. At our initial placement test on the first day of class we will tell you if your child can benefit from our program.

How long before my child starts reading?

If your child is not reading at all upon entering our program, you can expect that it will be several weeks before he or she is actually reading. This is because we teach many basic skills before we get to the point where we expect your child to read. By the time reading starts, your child is prepared to succeed and will almost certainly have a positive experience. Children who are already reading upon entering the program may also require several weeks of training before they start exhibiting improved performance.

How much instruction will my child need?

That depends on your child and his or her current level of reading skill. Each semester we offer several classes that operate at different reading levels, so it is possible for a child to take a class at one level during one semester and then take the next higher level the next semester. If your child is not reading at all, then we recommend taking two semesters. For example, you might enroll your child in a Winter session and then follow it up with either a Spring or Fall session. (Please remember that the availability of a second session may be limited by customer demand.) If your child can read but is having difficulty, one session might be enough. Unless there is a special problem, we should be able to turn your child into a reasonably fluent reader in at most two semesters.

Can my child be guaranteed placement?

If you have reserved space by registering, your child will be placed in the class if our placement test indicates that your child is appropriate for the class. However if the placement test suggests that your child's current skills are at either too limited or too advanced for our class, we will recommend that your child not attend. Also, placement of all children is dependent upon our meeting our minimum enrollment levels.

How do I register?

We're glad you asked! Please visit our Scheduled Classes page for more information!