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I Can Read! is the Chicago metro area's most effective and cost-effective summer and after-school reading program for elementary and middle school students. To prove it, here are the results of our most recent price survey, conducted in August, 2001:



I Can Read!

Company W

Company H

Company S

registration fee





testing fee





material fee










cost per hour





total price 1st semester (39 hours + initial fees)





total price subsequent semesters (39 hours)





student/teacher ratio

average 5 to 1

2 to 1**

1 to 1**

3 to 1***

weeks required to complete one semester’s worth of instruction






$100 off for all add'l children enrolled in same semester

$100 per referral

none known

10% off for 100 hour prepayment

10% - 28% off for prepayment

money-back guarantee

100% unconditional





Because we use homogeneous skill grouping, our quality of instruction will approach that of any one-on-one or two-on-one tutoring program.  


Each child has an individual program (i.e. this company does not use homogeneous skill grouping), and so this is more like getting a one-on-one tutor for a third of the time. Our program, where all students are appropriately grouped to study the same material at the same time, tries to approximate having a one-on-one tutor for the entire time.


Notice that the total cost for an equivalent amount of instruction time at our closest competitor (Company W) is more than twice our cost during the first semester, and almost twice our cost during subsequent semesters. The other two competitors are more than twice our cost all the time.

Along with these already-low prices, we actually offer discounts that allow you to drop our price even further:

referrals of new parents

We deduct $100 from your tuition for each child enrolled by parents whom you referred to us and who are entirely new to our program in the current semester.

two or more children enrolled

We reduce the tuition of each additional child by $100 (i.e. additional children are $595 instead of $695).

child repeats semester at the same level (very rare)

We reduce that child’s tuition for the repeated semester by $100.


How do we do this without sacrificing quality?

You might think that we'd have to sacrifice the quality of instruction in order to get our price this low - but we don't! Our teachers are highly qualified, highly trained, and as far as we know better paid than teachers at competing firms. So how do we do it? With a business model that's entirely different from those of our competitors:

Quite simply, we have a much smarter business model with far fewer expenses than the typical tutoring firm. That's good news for you and your pocketbook!