Dear Teacher:

If you are teaching grades K-8 and are having any of these problems:

then perhaps we can make a big difference. Many of these problems involve students who need more intensive help with reading than they can get in a normal school environment.

Every year we help hundreds of children who might otherwise "slip through the cracks." Our program works because:

Our goal for each semester is to raise each child's reading skill by approximately one grade level. We've succeeded with many children who were unable to learn using other methods. We've helped children with learning disabilities, Down's Syndrome, ADD and ADHD, emotional disturbance, and other difficulties.

Here's why you can trust us to do what we say we do:

How Our Program Works

We hold classes at three locations:

Each semester we provide 39 hours of instruction, covering one complete unit of our curriculum. Each I Can Read! semester follows one of these formats:

This intensive schedule is necessary to build strong reading skills. Class times may be different in different communities, so please check our Scheduled Classes page for details.

How To Work With Us

If you feel that one or more of your students could benefit from our classes, all you have to do is refer them to us. There are three easy ways:

  1. Simply send home a note asking each child's parent to call our info line (the 800 number above), or

  2. Print out our flyer (click here) and send it home with each child you think could be helped. The flyer is in PDF format, so you'll need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader first if you don't already have it. When the flyer appears on your screen, print it by clicking the print button, or select "File|Print" from the menu. When printing, it is best to check these options on the print dialog box (the little box that pops up after you click the print button or select File|Print):

    Other check boxes should be unchecked. If the printed image doesn't match the one on your screen, then try again but uncheck the "print as image" option.

  3. Call us at 630-879-0620 and tell us how many students you'd like to refer, and we'll send you a custom full-color flyer and brochure to send home with each child.

For More Information

If you feel you need to know more before you'd be comfortable working with us, we understand! Please just call our office line (shown above) and ask to speak with our director, Dave Ziffer (just leave a message if he's not in). He'll send you more information and talk with you about how the I Can Read! program can meet your needs and the needs of your students and their parents. Thanks for considering us!