Why Choose I Can Read?

We’ll let our customers speak for us:

“I absolutely love it. My younger daughter has gotten so much out of her class. I am amazed by it and thrilled. My older daughter [also] needed I Can Read! It is helping to motivate her, along with building her self-confidence. It is definitely a plus for her.”
- Ms. Abbie Cirignani, Hinsdale / July 26, 2001 / daughters both attended Summer 2001

“My son is so excited about reading. He has read or we have read together 80 books this summer outside of I Can Read! We read all the time. We have had such a positive experience so far, and the teacher was wonderful. We have seen a change in his expression, period pausing, and speed while reading.”
- Ms. Michelle Cofoid, Hinsdale / July 26, 2001 / son attended Summer 2001

“I noticed a change in my son after the first week. He loved being in class and was sad when it was over. It’s the best money I have spent all year.”
- Ms. Kay McLeod-Little, St. Charles / July 25, 2001 / son attended Spring 2001

“I was quite surprised. This is a good program for him with all the repetition. They learn to put the words together, which is what he needs. I think it’s done him a tremendous benefit.”
- Ms. Michelle Scott, Hinsdale / July 25, 2001 / daughter and son attended Summer 2001

“All I do is tell people to enroll their child in I Can Read! My son never wants to miss class. He has learned so much in class and he is so into reading. If any reading material is laying around he reads it, for example the back of the cereal box or the milk carton at breakfast. He has just taken off with I Can Read!
- Ms. Shakila Prasad, Oak Brook / July 23, 2001 / son attended Winter & Summer 2001

“I wanted my son to be the best reader that he could be when he entered first grade. I can tell he is already. I like that they are doing phonics in my daughter’s reading class. When she is reading something she is picking out information that will help in answering comprehension questions. I Can Read! has shown her the strategies in finding those answers.”
- Ms. Linda Grissim, Western Springs / July 23, 2001 / daughter & son attended Summer 2001

“My child attended the summer program. I liked that he went to reading class every day. I also like the small group instruction. My son uses the strategies that he has learned at I Can Read! He has gone from guessing to sounding out the words that he does not know.”
- Ms. Lisa Armonda, Oak Brook / July 18, 2001 / son attended Summer 2001

“I believe that all children must have the basics to succeed: reading, writing, comprehending, vocabulary, and phonics. Your entire child’s education in other subjects depends on this. My daughter is being challenged in these subjects everyday at I Can Read! The program uses great creative thinking. Education is the most important foundation in our home and she really expanded her education at I Can Read!
- Dr. Desai, Oak Brook / July 16, 2001 / daughter attended Summer 2001

“My son did not have any confidence when it came to learning. He started coming to I Can Read! as a nonreader and now everything has changed for him. He is an excellent reader. His confidence in reading has helped him tackle all of the other skills he has needed to learn, like counting and addition. He will be going into first grade ready for school, with a foundation that I would never have been able give him at home. It is the best money a parent could spend on their child. Thank you, I Can Read!
- Ms. Vicki Nelson, Batavia / July 8, 2001 / son attended Winter & Spring 2001 

“My daughter feels so good about herself. She doesn’t have to be pulled into class to go. I am thrilled with the small groups. The fact that you zeroed in on decoding has really built up her confidence.”
- Ms. Barb Malone, Geneva / July 5, 2001 / daughter attended Spring 2001

“I really liked the results. I tried working with my son at home with phonics books and he resisted me. He has learned a ton and has never complained about going three times a week. When you think about the per hour price of I Can Read, you get so much for the money!”
- Ms. Jacquelynn Breen, Wayne / July 2, 2001 / son attended Fall 2000, Winter & Spring 2001

“I thought that my kindergartner wanted to learn how to read and I did not know how to teach him. He will be going into first grade as a great reader. My older son asked me if he could go to reading too. My older son would always look at the clock when we had reading time; he now forgets about the clock and just reads. He also, is picking out his own books to read at the library.”
- Ms. JoAnne Lefelstein, St. Charles / June 26, 2001 / sons attended Winter & Spring 2001

“I wanted to supplement and go above and beyond what the public school offers. I like the structure of the class, the entire hour is go, go, go! My son loves it, he just loves it!”
- Ms. Lorri Blake, St. Charles / June 23, 2001 / son attended Fall 2000, Winter & Spring 2001

"I just couldn't believe what you did for her in two months that [other alternatives] couldn't do in two years. She liked going there. I love your program and so did the other parents!"
- Ms. Nabila Aiyash, Naperville / August 24, 2000

“My child’s reading skills have improved drastically since the beginning of the program.  Her confidence and enjoyment of reading is the most noticeable change.  Her teacher has seen much improvement in math because of her improved comprehension in word problems.”
- Ms. Kerry Jennejahn, St. Charles / April 1, 2000

I Can Read is great!  My son’s teacher at school has seen big improvements in his reading skills.  His father and I are both glad we made this decision for our son’s future.”
- Ms. Rhonda Schlicher, Batavia / March 20, 2000

“I could see an improvement in both my daughter and her work. The most impressive thing was when she came to me one day and said that now when she has sleepovers she can read with the girls too!!  Even at eight years old she knows that this works.”
- Ms. Barbara Holm, St. Charles / March 17, 2000

“At the beginning of the Winter 2000 session, my daughter (a fourth grader), was not able to identify that the letters A, E, I, O & U had more than one sound.  The strategies she is being taught in the I Can Read program have helped her become much more proficient.”
-  Ms. Mary Striedl, St. Charles / March 17, 2000

 “I Can Read has definitely reinforced his knowledge of the letters and sounds they make. We have seen much progress. He forms words from sounds. I think my son is being challenged and having success!”
- Ms. April Nozicka, St. Charles / March 19, 2000

“I feel that my daughter has moved ahead from day one. Your teachers are wonderful with the children. This is needed to make the children comfortable and willing to learn. She has never complained about going to reading class.”
- Ms. Linda Fagan, Batavia / March 18, 2000

“My daughter is now an excellent reader. She enjoys reading. She is very confident about sounding out words that she does not know. In addition, because of the phonic focus, her spelling is excellent.”
- Ms. Melissa Behm, St. Charles / March 17, 2000

"The growth and confidence in Joe's reading could never have happened without your program and teachers. He just brought home the book 'Shiloh', which he would never have tackled before, and I was so proud of his selection. We read a couple of chapters last night and there wasn't one word that he did not know. The confidence that this program gave him was unbelievable. Another thing about I Can Read! is the instant bonding. The kids are there to support each other. Do you know that he never complained, even once through all those classes? I will forever be grateful for your program!"
- Ms. Bridget Mushrush, St. Charles / September 8, 1999

"After a reading test following just one semester of I Can Read!, his third grade teacher called and said, 'You're not going to believe this. I've never seen such results - they're phenomenal. His reading comprehension improved 50%.' I had never expected that he could go beyond the level of his classmates. This is one of the best investments we've ever made with our son."
- Ms. Terry Peters, St. Charles / August 30, 1999

"This is really working great for him. This year he read his birthday cards for the first time. He never could read a spelling list before, but now he can. We're really, really happy!"
- Ms. Jennifer Bossert, St. Charles / May 19, 1999

"After just one semester of I Can Read!, Leanne was awarded the "Most Improved Student" and "Most Improved Student In Reading". She always used to complain when we asked her to read but now she likes to read to us. I've been recommending it to everybody. We're really pleased."
- Ms. Ruthanne Chesley, Batavia / April 30, 1999

"I really thought the program was wonderful and I have recommended it to friends. It really helped Alex considerably. He was struggling with reading, and he really improved by the end of the class. I think it really put him up to grade level."
- Ms. Diane Saunders, Geneva / January 24, 1999

"What I like about it is that it gives children a lot of confidence in themselves. The teacher doesn’t move on until the whole class gets it. This program has set the groundwork for my children’s reading for the rest of their lives."
- Ms. Andrea Early, Batavia / January 8, 1999

"I’m really happy with the program. Before, he was very hesitant to read. He’s just gotten a lot more confident."
– Ms. Sandra Carbonara, St. Charles / December 30, 1998

"I was frustrated for years before your program came along. I would recommend it for any child who needs help reading. It’s a stress-free learning environment. It’s just been great!"
- Ms. Alison Rubendall, St. Charles / December 28, 1998

"It’s hard to know where to start because I have been so positively affected. We have been looking into and doing different things for three years, including private tutoring and other classes. This was by far the most positive experience we’ve ever had, from the education to the self esteem to feeling good about his performance. One semester of I Can Read! has done more for Jacob than three years of other supplemental reading programs."
- Ms. Patience Maples, St. Charles / December 1998